Grove Littles

Nursery is available at the Grove! 


If you are comfortable leaving your infant Birth - Age 3 in our nursery, we will consider it a high privilege to care for them while you worship!

If not, we have  a section in the worship center where you may sit with your littles and ask that you do not worry about disturbing the service.  We are very HAPPY to have families attending the Grove TOGETHER!

How to Reach The Nursery Area:

1) Walk around the worship center in one of the two hallways on the right or left

2) Cross through the stairwell breezeway

3) Enter the Gym through the left door

4) Walk across the gym to the doors located directly beneath the huge TODDLER NURSERY. 

Caring for our smallest treasures is a special privilege that we take seriously at the Grove.  Our new Infant/Toddler Expansion is where our little "sprouts" can play in safety while mommy and daddy enjoy Bible study and worship.  We have an incredible team of volunteers and staff who love watching over your sweet babies! 

Nursery Coordinator: Lisa Welch

Tips for Mom and Dad

Nursery Reminders

Remember to label your child's bottle and diaper bag when you bring them to nursery.

We try to keep up with each child's items but this really helps ensure they won't be "sharing" germs!

Diaper Changes

We want to be sure that your children stay comfortable and dry.  We prefer to use diapers that you bring for your child but we always keep extra on hand.

If your child requires special wipes, please inform the nursery volunteer.

Food & Allergies

Toddlers get restless and hungry during nursery time.  We offer small child-friendly snacks for children so please indicate if your child should NOT be given a snack or has a specific food allergy!

pick up

When you pick up your child you must present the KidCheck pick up slip before we will release your child. Be sure to check them in with Kidcheck when you arrive.